HIDRO 1 is a waterproofing liquid for mortars and concrete.
- HIDRO 1 is directly added to concrete or mortar in the proportion of 1 litre per bag of cement( 50 kg).
HIDRO 1 is a waterproofing liquid for mortars and concrete.
- HIDRO 1 is directly added to concrete or mortar in the proportion of 1 litre per bag of cement( 50 kg).
Project management - Industrial realizations all trades. WATERPROOFING - B.T.P. - HYDRAULIC - PAINTING - ENERGY - GRAIN - BOILER
We have a world to build
Monday- Saturday : 8:00 to 12:30 - 15 to 18:30
Location : C/129 Avlékété Codji Jonquet next MTN Ex Direction - 04 BP 0526 Cotonou - Benin